Very interesting post with various opinions on promotion. Bumped into it after finding your most current post on FB, which, incidentally, I really don't like :-) Too much of what I do, other than KDP, is the "drive by" type of promo, or is only intended to Like or Follow other authors. I also love Pinterest, but it's mainly for me
Unue kreu filmeton per, aŭ OVERSTREAM.NET (en ĉi tiu lasta vi trovos editilon kiu helpas vin subtekstigi iun ajn filmeton de YOUTUBE, GOOGLE ktp.)
Poste simple sendu ĝin (embedded object, en la angla) ĉi tien per la jena adreso.
Ankaŭ vi povas iĝi parto de nia skipo, simple skriburetpoŝton al ni.
3 komento(j):
cxu temas pri Viagra? ;-)
Memkompreneble ;)
Very interesting post with various opinions on promotion. Bumped into it after finding your most current post on FB, which, incidentally, I really don't like :-) Too much of what I do, other than KDP, is the "drive by" type of promo, or is only intended to Like or Follow other authors. I also love Pinterest, but it's mainly for me
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